Launching a Network of Incredible Life Coaches


I’ve been coaching for seven years now and my clients have experienced amazing changes in their lives.

Just take a look at their success stories.


Then, three years ago, during further in-depth training, I had a powerful vision.

I’d be part of a movement of people who were committed to change - both in their own lives and in the lives of others.

These were ‘kindred spirits’. They included Life Coaches but it was a far broader group of people.

This movement would bring about transformation – a widespread change of thinking and culture.  


Today, I’m taking the next step forward by launching this Coaching Network.

Your one-stop resource for professionally trained, experienced, ethical and high-quality Life Coaches.

 This is not for me. I haven’t charged them to be featured on here and I don’t receive any fees or commission.

It’s about being generous-hearted. I want to support them to be known for incredible changes they bring to others’ lives.

I observed and got to know Jennifer, Charles and Jennie, and I’ve had my own life coaching from each of them.

I know the incredible work that they do.

They all have great integrity and help their clients get amazing results.

Each one of them has had a big impact on my life and also on my coaching practice.


In life coaching, just like any relationship, it’s important that both the client and coach feel they have the ‘right fit’ to work together.

After visiting my website you may feel that, for you, the right fit may not be me.


But then - where do you go to find another good quality coach that is right for you? 

I don’t want you to miss out on the amazing, transforming experience of life coaching.

So this new network gives you options for other Life Coaches to consider.


And this is just the start.

Other coaches are planning to join our network after April.


Each of them is slightly different as a coach, both in their approach and who they work with. 

Take a look at the Coach Network page to read their summaries and check out the links to their own client recommendations.

See my Secret of Kindness blog to find out the secret. 

How do you know if Life Coaching is right for you?

Take these two free self-assessments to find out - click here:

Colin Potter