
Client Tony Hodges explains why he came to Colin for coaching, what Colin's like as a coach, what Colin's methods are like and what was particularly good about his coaching. 

Tony describes the impact of the coaching on his life and career. 


Kath raised her self-awareness and inner confidence, revealing her gifts and her core values. 

She celebrates who she’s created to be and what she’s called to do. She’s liberated and excited about her future.


Breakthrough Coaching stories

Colin’s guided me to see aspects of myself that were holding me back…
helping me to get back in touch with my essence.
I wholeheartedly recommend coaching with Colin,
as I believe that unexpected doors will open
to your potential that you never knew existed.
— Leanne

The greatest impact for me from the full year of coaching
has been the work that has gone into creating my values statement;
it has taken time and commitment and hard work, but was well worth it.

This values statement now acts as the rudder of my life;
when faced with difficult situations and decisions,
values help to guide my actions, reactions, and attitudes.
It has made a huge difference because now I don’t need to be
over-concerned about what course of action to take
– I simply refer back to my values statement!

It has genuinely revolutionised my approach
to difficult situations and to daily life too.
I have made big changes to my life over that year
and felt confident in my choices.
— Therese

I have much more clarity on what I want from my life and career,
who I am as a person, and where I’m headed.
I’ve had support through tricky business decisions and
clarity on family dynamics that have helped lighten my load
and balance my personal and work life much better.
And I’ve discovered some surprising things about myself!
— Vanessa

For me it was getting the vision on paper, a tangible thing.
In just two sessions, I moved from things being a confused mess in my head,
to a written down offer of what I do that I was really excited about.
I particularly appreciate the way I could connect with God in the coaching
- the shift that made things light has stayed with me.
— Rosie

On starting the sessions, I felt I was at a crossroads
and unsure of the way forward for myself.
I was being influenced by others,
but hadn’t been fully aware of this myself.
I now feel I am happily more on a branch line especially in view
of the current climate and the way life has changed for everyone.
Thank you Colin.
— Daisy

I am still in the process of seeing the impact of the coaching sessions on my life.
Practically I have benefited by learning helpful ways to challenge
other people by asking questions and speaking up for myself and others.
I am currently becoming aware how thoughts and responses of others
shaped my thinking and aspirations and I am now actively reflecting on those.
I think this will change how I pursue hopes and dreams for my future.
— Abigail

I looked at who I am and what I like. I took ownership and pride
in the special things that I and I alone am able to do.
— Peter (returning client)

Identity and Purpose Coaching stories

It was easy to talk to Colin and through this
coaching process I have been able to open up.
For a good few years I’ve buried a vital part of who I am.
Colin helped me rediscover that best part of me,
so I can own and use those qualities to progress in my work,
in my relationship and in all areas of my life.
Having coaching with him has been one of the best,
life-changing decisions I’ve made.
— Michael

Receiving coaching from Colin has been a very profound experience
and gone far beyond my expectations. Colin journeys quietly yet confidently
with you, giving you freedom, encouragement, and confidence to take bold steps
and make those dreams become a reality. Thank you Colin for all your help!
— Eva

I have been coached by Colin for over a year and each session
has been truly life enhancing and transformational.
My life journey has been enriched by sharing it with him.
— Hazel

Coaching has been revealing in how I manage my anxiety
against my own ambition and work challenges.

In one session, I explained about how I went through the
process of taking a driving test and how I stayed calm and
kept it together going through the different exam exercises.
In breaking this down, Colin showed me how I am in fact able to focus and
manage my feelings and so can ‘rise to the challenge’ again in the future.

I feel that now I can try new things and not be so intimidated by them.
I can put myself forward and see what happens, rather than give up and not even try.
All in all, it was a very worthwhile process that I still feel the positive effects of.
— Peter

Health and Wellbeing Coaching stories

Such a valuable gift, the coaching gave me exactly what I needed;
a deeper sense of value and worth as a human being!
I can highly recommend Colin as a Life Coach and plan to book more sessions.
— Julie

The coaching sessions helped me to be much more focused and clear
on what I want to achieve and steps I need to take.
I found the coaching sessions invigorating and I felt positive after them,
and since my coaching with Colin I’ve continued to reflect
on what we talked about and make some positive changes.
— Amy

I would describe the overall experience of Colin’s coaching as enlightening.
I’ve got to know myself better and be comfortable in my own skin.
By understanding and appreciating my strengths, I feel empowered
to make better choices, and to take my life in the direction I want it to go.

In particular, I loved the work we did, where Colin helped me
to stop regarding a negative experience or event
as representative of me and my personality, behaviour, and skills.

As we continued this work, it was exciting
to see just how much progress I had made.
The biggest moment was when we identified just how many
of these positive statements had been there all along.
Colin just helped me to reveal them to myself.
Understanding that these characteristics were an innate part
of my personality all along, made me especially proud.”

“In addition to improved mental and emotional health,
I feel far better physically too. I feel less sluggish.
I have more core strength, and feel more flexible,
possibly due to a release of tension.
— Bob

Career Coaching stories

Although I’d seriously been considering resigning from my job,
the first session made me realise that now was the right time
and because I was working with you and focused
on my future it made me get on and do it!!
This freed up so much space in my head
and my trip away was so much more enjoyable.
You helped me to stay focused on the present
This helped me move into my future in a positive way.
— Julie (returning client - second time)

My particular focus in coaching was on discovering
what a future change of career might look like,
and by pinpointing my skills, interests,
motivations and what makes me happy.
I found possibilities opening up that I hadn’t considered before.
Since our sessions I’ve now had the confidence
to seek some very significant changes at work.
This has improved my weekly work experience massively
and I’ve also begun carrying out some clear
focused steps towards finding my new career.
I would rate Colin’s sessions very highly.
— Brian

We talked about my book [that I’m writing].
It was really affirming to think that my honesty in talking
about my feelings and sharing my emotion(s) could
potentially touch folks in a positive, and even a helpful way.
All this serves to compel me to write.
— Peter (returning client - second time)

When I approached Colin for coaching, I wanted support
to address both career and relationship issues.
He helped me to address both by initially focusing on
defining my own main values, which can help me to
focus on who I am, what I stand for and what I want in my life.”

“I can honestly say that Colin’s unwavering positive belief
in my progress and achievement of my goals significantly contributed
to a big increase in my own self-belief, motivation to persevere
and determination to succeed in both of these areas.
Knowing someone is invested in your progress makes a real difference.
His approach gave me no doubt that my goals were totally achievable
- and he was right. I applied for a permanent post for a job that I love
- and I was successful! This will now give me the structure,
stability and consistency in my life that I so needed.
And it will empower me now in other areas of my life,
so that I can kick on and change those too!
— Rebecca

Leadership Coaching stories

Having worked a 12-step recovery programme
for several years, I thought I was pretty self-aware.
However, I hadn’t appreciated the seriousness of some of
the limiting thoughts I have carried most of my life.
Colin has helped me to identify limiting thoughts that have been
holding me back, then seeking the antidotes to those thoughts.
Working through this was challenging but enormously liberating.
In particular, translating the visualisation of my gifts into my ‘life message’
has helped me to no longer see myself as ‘not good enough’.
It’s been very powerful in enabling me to have more confidence,
and to not be afraid to celebrate who I am and what I am called to do.

To begin to create the potential vision for my ministry is also exciting
and is helping me to lift my thinking towards how and what that could look like;
having a sense of building towards something greater to come.
— Kath

As a fellow coach I need to tell you - you are a terrific coach!
You carry a lovely sense of being confident, unhurried, and having a belief
that you are able to help someone effect great change in their lives.
If people come to me who I can’t coach (perhaps too close personally to them)
you will be one of my top referral people, for sure”

“I would highly recommend Colin as a coach.
Not only will he listen deeply and champion who you are
but he will take you to places you didn’t think you could go
so you can realise dreams and live a fulfilled life!
— Jennifer