There are a range of life coaches out there working in a variety of ways.

 My own specialist areas of coaching are:

Personal Coaching Professional Coaching
Purpose and Identity coaching:
getting direction by exploring who you are and what you’re called to do.
Leadership Coaching:
for new or experienced leaders; leading others well while balancing your own needs.
Breakthrough coaching:
freeing yourself from being stuck and dealing with change.
Career Coaching:
assessing your strengths, abilities, and desires; looking at work you’ll succeed in and you’ll love.
Health and Wellbeing coaching:
coming into balance by addressing your areas of difficulty or stress.

After looking through my website, you may feel that you need something slightly different.


In life coaching, just like any relationship, it’s important that both

the client and coach feel they have the ‘right fit’ to work together.

You may feel that, for you, this may not be me.


That’s fine! If it’s not me, it might be one of the other Life Coaches outlined below.


I’ve created this Coaching Network page of professionally trained,

experienced and high-quality Life Coaches for that very reason.

I don’t want you to miss out on the amazing, transforming experience of life coaching.


I’ve observed and got to know Jennifer, Charles and Jennie

and had my own life coaching from each of them.

I know the incredible work that they do.

They all have great integrity and help their clients get amazing results.

 Each one of them has had a big impact on my life and also on my coaching practice.

Each of them is slightly different as a coach, both in their approach and who they work with.  

Read their summaries below and check out the links to their own client recommendations.  


Jennifer O’Brien - Executive Coach

‘Helping you take steps towards your best life.’

Jennifer coaches people who want to see change in their lives.

She works with individuals across the generations - those looking for vision for their lives, those who want to identify new direction or to overcome barriers to being their best.

As a professionally trained coach with a background in legal services, she has an understanding of the business world as well as strong empathic skills from human resources experience.

Jennifer creates a safe space for clients to uncover how and where they thrive to help identify aspirations and plan towards the life they want to build.

Coaching sessions are empowering, allowing clients to discover who they are at their best and how that can impact choice and the way they live. She journeys with people from a place of being ‘stuck’ to exploring practical solutions.


“Working with Jennifer, I found real purpose for the first time in my life...
My confidence and self-esteem were hugely restored in areas I didn't feel strong.

This enabled me to go for the dream job and renegotiate salary,
something I wouldn't have been able to do before.” - Charity Employee


For an initial no obligation chat about coaching Jennifer can be contacted as below:


Charles May – Analytics Consultant and Executive Coach

“Changing the world one person at a time.”


Charles is a vastly experienced people analytics consultant and executive coach.

He is described by those who’ve worked with him as “a visionary and an unshakable optimist”.

His mantra is to “change the world one person at a time.”

When working with individuals, he does precisely that. He works with them to help them to better understand their needs and desires.

He helps them set in motion plans to achieve their vision and expectations.

When working with a leadership team, Charles uses diagnostics to get to the heart of the issue. He then provides a framework for the team to better understand their people and inform HR strategy.


If you would like to reach out and explore please feel free to do so without obligation. Charles believes in connecting with individuals and ensuring there is psychological safety and confidentiality for those he works with.


“Charles’s skillset and interview techniques are laser-sharp,
while his feedback is respectful and concise.” - Client feedback.


For more client references please click and go to the recommendation section.

 Connect with Charles here


 Jennie Sanderson

- Female Leaders & Entrepreneurs

“Coaching you to accelerate all that is possible, one clear step at a time”

Jennie is passionate about helping female leaders and entrepreneurs achieve their full potential. She unlocks all that is possible for them, to decide on their next steps with clarity and confidence.


She loves to create time for women to unpack what ‘their best’ actually looks like… And then helps them to create alignment of that in their working week, giving purpose to every area of their life, as they often need to balance work and family demands

As a professionally trained, accredited coach, her vision is that you’ve been perfectly and wonderfully made. She’s started four businesses herself and so she has a wealth of experience to draw insight from, and is ideally placed to help you.

She understands that the world of a female entrepreneur can be a place with a tension between ‘what is’ and ‘what could be’.

But it’s also an incredible place of constant possibility, hope and growth. She will help you to move from a place of feeling overwhelmed and comparison to a place of peace and purpose.


“I can’t believe the shift…

I went from feeling overwhelmed and that I would never be able to fulfil a key area of my role
to feeling excited and with a clear plan - I can’t wait to get stuck in!”  - International Charity Leader