Prices and Booking

You can book either single sessions or a block of four sessions in advance, which gives you a 25% discount.

To find out more, book a free initial 20-minute conversation below…

First session


This half-price offer (£40) is for your first session and ends on 30th November 2024.

The standard price is £80 per session.

Booking several sessions brings down the price to £60 per session. Most people choose to do this. You can do this in two different ways…

·        By paying monthly for two sessions. This gives you fortnightly sessions at £120 a month, also giving you a 25% saving on the standard price.

·        By an advance booking for four sessions is £240, again, saving you 25% on the standard price.

We have a limited number of £40 concessionary sessions. You could have these if you’re on a lower income or you’re a key worker - earning below £25,000 a year (e.g. bands 1 - 3 on the NHS pay scales.) These concessionary sessions are dependent on availability.

One coaching session will have a big impact on you.

But several can really shift you into a new place, embedding lasting changes.

You can book all twelve sessions of a full Identity and Purpose coaching programme for £600, giving you a 37% discount. Contact us for more details.

You can try out a single session first, to see if it works for you. But once you’re happy and settled, you can switch to advanced bookings, which provides great savings. Also, this helps you to set out your own commitment to whatever topic you’re working on.

Also, you may initially come for several sessions of professional coaching and then switch to some personal coaching sessions. Or vice-versa. Our joined up approach allows this to work seamlessly for you.