Step forward with confidence.  

Rise to the challenge.  

Become the leader you’ve always wanted to be. 

​​Whatever your current position or experience, Leadership Coaching has something to offer you: 

  • Whether you are considering leadership for the first time

  • Or you have just taken on your first leadership role

  • You may have entered a new leadership role which is stretching you

  • Or you may be an experienced leader needing refreshment or a new challenge.


Leadership Approaches

There are a wide range of leadership models and approaches, using greater and lesser degrees of empowerment and involvement of team members in devising and deciding how actions are carried out.  

You may operate in a traditional leadership model, within a modern collaborative leadership model, or part of a strength-based leadership group. 

Leadership is different for each person, in each role, with each team, whatever the model or approach relevant to your role. 

This is why coaching works so well in addressing your unique needs as a leader, giving you time out to gain a fresh perspective that you can take forward.

Our Leadership Coaching has supported a range of charity leaders, regional leaders, IT managers, sole traders, regional managers and faith leaders. It’s helped them to build their confidence in their current roles, lead more effectively through periods of change, or successfully apply for and start their new roles.


Growing as a Leader

As leaders, we have to be agile and adaptable to the changing situation around us. During the pandemic, there was a growth in hybrid working, which presents its own challenges and opportunities for us as Leaders of teams.

Building our own self-awareness is important for us as Leaders. We can all have ‘blind spots’ – areas that we don’t have a clear perspective on. These can be explored respectfully and safely to help to build your awareness. 

You can be supported to make changes, where you wish to. 


Building Awareness of Others

Empathy and emotional intelligence is an important element of modern leadership. This involves you going beyond your own individual standpoint. Instead, you take an ‘aerial view’, considering and honouring the various perspectives and motivations of those in your team or network.  

You can adapt your approach to each individual team member, working from the inside out,  to enable each one and maximise performance.  

This shifts you from being a transactional leader to a relational leader. It can bring great team results, and happy and fulfilled team members.


Leadership Experience

I’ve been a leader and manager within health and social care settings for nearly 30 years, holding national, regional and CEO roles. I’ve led care homes, day-centres, advocacy services and charities. I’ve also led engagement and campaigns regionally and nationally, creating and developing successful programmes, campaigns, systems, and teams. 

So I have an understanding of the varying demands and pressures on leaders and the different approaches of leadership. 

Through my leadership roles, I have worked in a supportive and empowering way with my colleagues.



I first used Harrison Assessment tools when I had coaching. This raised my self-awareness and led to me making big life changes. I got trained to be a coach and now use these tools myself. 

Harrison measures your unique behaviours, interests, and preferences.

A Harrison approach relevant to leaders is: Bringing your strengths into balance.  

Each strength is a ‘trait’ that has a linked ‘balancing’ trait. Having empathy balances with being assertive, and so on.


The assessment of your own unique leadership traits will help you to see:

  • Your main strengths, and how to use them well

  • what balancing traits could be brought up a little.

This will help to give you a balanced approach to your leadership.

Doing the Harrison self-assessments can give you two reports:

1. Development Report – this outlines the type of leader you are, the best ways you make decisions and interact, and what motivates you best.

2. Development Options Report – this takes all your assessed strengths from the first report and matches them to a range of areas that you’d be good at, and love.

These reports are helpful to show your strengths, areas of needing balance and your blind spots. 

 You simply complete an online self-assessment that takes just 30 minutes. (Note: There is a fee payable for these reports.) 

You can use our effective Leadership Coaching tools or Harrison Assessments tools - or both! 

 This could be the ideal time for you…


Step forward with confidence.  

Rise to the challenge.  

Become the leader you’ve always wanted to be.